Sidra offers top-level expertise in care

Sidra offers top-level expertise in care

Dr Khalid Al Kharazi, Division Chief of Neurosurgery, with Mona, who had undergone a complex surgery.

The Peninsula

DOHA: Following the successful opening of its inpatient facility in January this year, Sidra Medicine is ready to accept and conduct highly complex surgeries in Qatar.

A major milestone for the growth of the country’s healthcare system, the world-class expertise now available at Sidra Medicine means that fewer patients will need to travel abroad to receive expert care for rare and complex conditions.

“This is a landmark moment for many young patients in Qatar and the region as more families in Qatar have entrusted the care of their children to the experienced team at Sidra Medicine, choosing to forego treatment abroad for the same level of care. The facilities, surgeons and multidisciplinary teams supporting them are on par with any of the world’s top children’s hospitals. Our facilities are able to treat patients right here at home, meaning less burden on the family and the country and a more comfortable, culturally-sensitive environment for the patients,” said Dr David Sigalet, Chair of the Department of Surgery at Sidra Medicine.

A recent complex neurosurgery at Sidra Medicine was performed on an 18-month-old patient named Mona who suffered from a brain tumour that impaired her vision and slowed down her responses. Dr. Khalid Al Kharazi, Division Chief of Neurosurgery, lead the seven-hour surgery to remove the tumour.

As a result of the care provided by Sidra Medicine, Mona was discharged just three days after her surgery. “To see our little girl fully recover from the crippling side-effects of the tumor in just a matter of days is a testament to the excellent quality of the facility and the people at Sidra Medicine. We are incredibly grateful to them for the care and attention they provided every step of the way. We are also thankful to the Government of Qatar for the world-class services that are available for the benefit of the people in Qatar,” said Mona’s father.

Commenting on the surgeries, Dr. Al Kharazi said,  “These surgeries were the first of their kind being performed in Qatar as we used the cutting-edge equipment including neuro-navigation and the cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator (CUSA). Such equipment is considered the best in the neurosurgery field. However, what truly makes our care stand out is our talented team of surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatric nursing teams, radiologists and the support from our rehabilitation and pathology services. Nothing gives me more joy than seeing the smiles on the young children as they embark on their journey of recovery under our care. This would not be possible without our highly skilled and caring teams and the support of our leadership in ensuring that we have access to the very best technologies and services.”

Dr  Al Kharazi was supported by a multidisciplinary team of children’s specialists, including visiting Pediatric Neurosurgeon Dr. Noor ul Owase Jeelani from Great Ormond Street Hospital in the UK who was named one of the top British Surgeons in 2011 by The Times magazine.

Credit: The Peninsula Qatar