Qatar University among top 500 universities in the world: THE

Qatar University (QU) has kept up its situation among the best 500 colleges in the world in the ongoing Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2019.

The outcomes were reported by THE whereby QU was positioned in the scope of 401-500 most profoundly positioned colleges for 2019.

In this release, QU keeps on being positioned Number One in the International Outlook pointer in the general Times Higher Education World University Rankings list for the fourth time in succession.

This accomplishment combines QU’s ongoing outcomes in rankings as the foundation has been positioned 332 in the QS World University Rankings 2019 and 36 in the QS Top 50 under 50 positioning among the best youthful colleges on the planet.

THE World University Rankings are the main worldwide execution tables that judge look into concentrated colleges over the entirety of their center missions: instructing, inquire about, reference, industry salary and global standpoint. They utilize 13 precisely aligned execution pointers to give the most far reaching and adjusted correlations, trusted by understudies, scholastics, college pioneers, industry and governments.

Respecting the outcomes, QU president Dr Hassan Al Derham said, “We have huge pride in how QU is constantly enhancing the universal scene. With another procedure propelled for the current year, we have situated the University as a powerhouse of scholarly and scholastic accomplishment, without dismissing the peaceful and sustaining care of our understudies and associates. We anticipate fortifying the job of Qatar University in the worldwide scene.”

THE Rankings editorial manager Phil Baty stated: “It is awesome to see Qatar holding its status as the world number-one college for “worldwide viewpoint” in the 2019 World University Rankings.”

Credit: Qatar day




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