No Need EXIT PERMIT from The Sponsor. All You Need THIS from Exit Qatar After/Before Finishing Contract

An exit permit from the sponsor will no more be required for an expatriate worker to leave the country.
Expat who finish contracts will need a permission from the departments concerned at the Ministry of Interior.
If expat decided to resign before finishing contract, he/she need to give the clarification about his/her resignation to Ministry of Interior. After an approval from Qatar Ministry worker can leave the country.
The law has removed the two-year period required for an expatriate worker to return to the country to take up a new job, after his departure.
How can expatriates apply for an exit permit under the new rules?
To apply for an exit permit, for annual leave or an emergency, the workers would first need to submit their application in writing to their employer, as per the terms of their contract.
Exit permit requests will be approved and processed by employers immediately in a majority of cases. If at all the employer rejects the request, expats will be able to apply directly to the Exit Permit Grievances Committee.
Expats are able to submit requests via an e-government services programme, or in-person at government service complexes and police stations throughout Qatar. Once submitted, all exit permit requests received will be decided upon within 72 hours, reports The Peninsula.
The Exit Permit Grievances Committee will then conduct an immediate background check of the applicant to ensure that no active or pending criminal proceedings, or financial claims, are currently against him.
The committee would hold a interrogatory session with the applicant’s employer and ask if he/she have any objections to the request.
Here, valid objections may include reasons like the the employee has committed a fraud or the is attempting to evade prosecution for a crime.
It is then the employer’s task to convince the relevant authorities before the 72-hour working period of the Committee closes, that a criminal case should be opened up against the worker. Failing to do so will automatically grant the worker an Exit Permit.
What will happen if the Exit Permit Grievances Committee is unable to contact the expatriate’s employer?
In case the Committee cannot contact an expatriate’s employer within 72 hours of their submission of exit permit application, the permit would be approved, provided that the worker passes all relevant background checks.
What will happen where there is an emergency and an expatriate needs to return sooner?
Usually, the current maximum for the appeals to be approved is 72 hours. However, in reality the system can operate much faster. During emergency of any sort, the committee can expedite this timing.
Who are the Members of the Exit Permit Grievances Committee, and how does it operate?
The members forming the The Exit Permit Grievances Committee consist of officials from the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs, and representatives of the National Human Rights Committee.
The worker will have the opportunity to contest any evidence that may have been used against them during hearings. They will also have the opportunity to appeal for clemency, in cases where they owe debt but need to return home for a medical or family emergency.
In cases where an expatriate is prevented from receiving an exit permit, will their family members be able to leave the country?
There is no barrier for family members and dependents to leave the country, unless they are a part of any crime committed by the expatriate under investigation.
The requirements for job change have been amended on the ‘The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affair (MADLSA) website with some of the previously mentioned conditioned no longer applicable for changing jobs by expats.
Conditions such as nationality, gender and profession are no longer among requirements for job change approval. Expats were allowed to change jobs only if the new employer had an approval for the position with the same nationality, gender and profession. This clause has now been removed from the website.
1. Now to change jobs go to ministry website
2. Enter your Qatar ID number
3. Your phone number
4. Enter Captcha
5. Click submit
6. Pin will be forwarded to your mobile number
7. Click validate
8. Home page will appear Employer Change / Leave Country , Worker Notice E-Service
9. Apply for changing employer or leaving the country
10. Attach contract and letter of Arbitrariness or Conciliation Attachment
11. Click Submit
The expat worker must then choose the option of job change or leave country from a dropdown menu and then upload an attested copy of his/her contract and hit the submit button.
If a worker is looking to change his/her job, he/she must submit a request to the Ministry 20 days prior to the end date of his/her contract in case the contract is fixed-term. In case the contract is open-ended, the worker cannot stay less than 5 years in service and the notice period in such cases is 30 days for 5 year contracts and 60 days for contracts of more than 5 years in duration.
The worker is required to attach documents in case of arbitrariness or conciliation and prove it.
As per the regulations:
There should be no restrictions against the new employer that would stop the change
- There should be a notice submitted by the worker 30 days before the contract comes to an end if it is a fixed–term contract
- If the contract is an open-ended contract, the worker should stay not less than five years in service and notice period would be as follows
1)30 days, if the duration of service is five years
2)60 days, if the duration of service is more than five years
- Target sector (Private Sector)
- In case of arbitrariness or conciliation , please attach what proves it
- All applications and approvals are subject to all terms and conditions announced by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs
- If you come across any problems or technical issues , please contact the technical support at the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs: 40288888
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Credit: Qatar Day
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