Ministry instructs retail outlets to follow set of precautionary conditions

Ministry instructs retail outlets to follow set of precautionary conditions

The Peninsula Online

Doha: The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has instructed retail outlets to abide by a set of precautionary conditions to protect the safety of citizens and residents.

The measures include:

• Measuring the body temperature of staff members twice a day.
• Providing sanitisers/sterilizers at main entrances, gathering places and toilets
• Sterilizing shopping carts before their use by shoppers
• Continuously sterilizing surfaces such as refrigerator doors and handles.

The initiative is part of the precautionary and preventive measures that the Ministry announced to limit the spread of the Coronavirus, and pursuant to Article 13 of the Consumer Protection Law No. 8 of 2008, which requires suppliers to comply with health and safety requirements.

Ministry had yesterday set the maximum selling price of sanitisers and disinfectants due to high demand of these items after the spread of coronavirus in the country.

Credit: The Peninsula Qatar



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