9 Foods You Need to Improve Your Mood
Eating a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet has been scientifically proven to radiate positive vibes, but it can be difficult to maintain when you’ve had a bad day and want to dive into a pot of Nutella.
These 9 simple foods are proven to turn your frown upside down and help aid weight loss, and the list includes chocolate (yes, you heard us correctly), coffee, and even pasta. Eat these yummy foods, and you’ll be glowing in no time!
1. Chocolate
Just thinking about chocolate puts a smile on our face, but surely you cannot indulge in this treat and still lose weight AND be happy? Well, we’re here to tell you that you can. Chocolate contains many antioxidants, including magnesium, which triggers your vessels to relax, causing lower blood pressure and increasing your circulation. Embracing a few squares of a 70% cocoa bar will not only reduce your anxiety but will alleviate PMS, depression, and fatigue. So feel free to eat dark chocolate 2-3 times a week. We know we will!
2. Coffee
Said to disperse brain fog, the elements within one cup of coffee can keep your body at a high throughout the day, provoking great decisions and a smiley exterior. The everyday drink is renowned for its increase in dopamine and serotonin, both chemicals within the body that can relieve you of negative emotions. We’re sure we can thank caffeine for the cheery boost, but now you can enjoy your morning drink with no guilt attached.
3. Salmon
Dining upon salmon isn’t just for fancy restaurants; this fish is extremely high in rich omega 3, which is known for fighting off mood swings and depression. Found also in walnuts, omega 3 can boost your memory and make way for a day of concentration. Pair it with a plate of steamed veggies, and you’re well on your way to a day of positivity!
4. Eggs
Scrambled, poached, or turned into an omelet — we are a nation of egg lovers. Eggs are a fantastic source of protein which helps to rebuild and maintain your muscles after a long slog at the gym. Eggs also contain vitamin D, which plays an important role in sustaining the immune system, preventing you from coughs, colds, and sneezes. Consuming food rich in vitamin D can help dramatically in warding off depressive thoughts as well as aiding weight loss.
5. Berries
A staple for breakfast or for topping off yogurt, berries contain anthocyanidin which reduces inflammations in the body and decreases depression rates. Incorporating strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and many more, these mood-stabilizing fruits also embody many antioxidants that are not only good for your skin but also help fight aging.
6. Walnuts
Nuts and seeds, especially walnuts, are rich in calories and dense in fat, but they are crucial to a healthy balanced diet. This mid-morning snack contains a compound known as melatonin, which not only induces sleep but reduces heart disease, prevents diabetes, and combats the stress hormone. If you want glowing skin and shiny hair, walnuts also contribute to these factors too! Eat in moderation for a health-benefitting snack.
7. Avocado
Usually paired with its best friend, salsa, avocado is a mascot to regulate the important mood hormone, serotonin. Helping the brain manage many functions, avocado fights off fatigue and dramatically increases hormone levels. Not only does it have amazing health benefits but the veggie is filled with healthy fats that can make your skin glow and aid in digestion. Need we say more?
8. Bananas
Fabulous in fruit smoothies and for delivering energy, bananas are renowned for their high potassium content which lowers the possibility of racing heart rates, strokes, and arthritis. Bananas are also a great source of vitamin B which has been linked to diminishing depression. Eat one of these to kick-start your upbeat mood.
9. Pasta
Carbs are known for lifting your spirits as well as your energy levels. Containing little fat, pasta is a great source of complex carbohydrates which fill us up and release serotonin as well. A small portion of wholewheat pasta with a balanced meal is going to boost those endorphins and release vitamin B into the body.
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Credit: Qatar Day