MoI sets up office to receive permanent residency applications

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has built up an office to get applications for changeless residencies.

Reema al Mana, lawful consular at the MoI, said the workplace has been set up to get applications for changeless residencies from the individuals who satisfy the prerequisites.

Mana said this on the sidelines of round table gatherings held by the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialog (DICID).

She said an advanced stage has been made through the MoI’s site and through the Metrash2 application on cell phones, to get applications.

The candidates for perpetual residency ought to be of good lead and notoriety and they ought not have recently been sentenced for a shameful offense except if they have been restored as per the law.

She said the candidates ought to have enough learning of Arabic and must have adequate and stable pay to cover their costs and also of the individuals who rely upon them.

Credit: Qatar day



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