Qatar’s MEC shuts shop over fakes goods

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2018-10-18 20:00:51Z | |

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MEC) has reported the fourteen day conclusion of a telephone shop situated in Al Rayyan for showing and offering fake batteries bearing universal trademarks.

The investigation battle came quite close to its endeavors to screen markets and business exercises with the end goal to get serious about value control and reveal infringement and additionally fake, fake and substandard items, the MEC said in an announcement yesterday.

The outlet was fined and shut for a fourteen day time frame in accordance with Article 7 of Law No 8 of 2008.

Article 7 urges providers to obviously show on the item’s bundle or mark the sort and nature of the thing and in addition other significant information in accordance with the law’s actualizing directions.

The law likewise precludes the showcase of fake depictions, notices and misdirecting explanations.

A managerial conclusion presentation must be distributed to the detriment of the organization or shop that submits the infringement as per Article 18 of Law No 8 on Consumer Protection.

The law stipulates that the conclusion choice will be distributed on the MEC site and in two every day daily papers to the detriment of the abusing organization, the announcement notes.

The service has focused on that it won’t endure any infringement of the Consumer Protection Law and its controls.

It will allude the individuals who abuse laws and clerical announcements to the capable experts who will, thus, make suitable move against the culprits with the end goal to secure customer rights.

The MEC has encouraged all buyers to report infringement or submit objections and recommendations to its shopper security and against business extortion office through the call focus: 16001, email:, Twitter: MEC_QATAR, Instagram: MEC_QATAR and the service’s application on cell phones accessible on iPhone and Android gadgets: MEC_QATAR.

Credit: Qatar day



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