On Arrival Visit Visa of GCC countries for Family Visit Visa Holders in Saudi Arabia

All of us know that the residents of Saudi Arabia have the liberty to enjoy the on arrival visit visa of any GCC country.  GCC countries are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Residents of no other country enjoy this privilege since Saudi Arabia does not give on arrival visa to all the residents of GCC countries. Only GCC citizens can get on arrival access to Saudi Arabia. There are some requirements which need to be filled at the time when you are going to a country and we have covered them in detail in separate articles. You can read them in the related articles tab at the end of the article. So, residents of Saudi Arabia can get on arrival visa of GCC countries but what about the people who have come to Saudi Arabia on family visit visa? We have covered it later in this article.[irp]
On Arrival Visit Visa of GCC Countries for Dependents of Employees: All working Iqama holders can get on arrival visit visa of the GCC countries if that country issues visas to the profession of which he belongs. The dependents of such iqama holders can also get on arrival visit visa if they enter the respective GCC country along with him. Let’s take an example of the doctor whose family is a resident of Saudi Arabia. Wife and children and housemaid of a doctor can get on arrival visit visa of Dubai if they enter to the Kingdom along with Doctor. Now a question arises, what about those who have been brought here in Saudi Arabia by the doctor on family visit visa? Can they also get on arrival visit visa of GCC countries if they travel with the doctor?

On Arrival Visit Visa of GCC countries for Family Visit Visa Holders in KSA: Family visit visa holders of Saudi Arabia cannot get on arrival visit visa of GCC countries even if they travel along with the applicant of their visa who is Iqama holder. The provision of on arrival visa is only given to those people who are residents of Saudi Arabia (Iqama Holders). Family visit visa holders are not residents of Saudi Arabia so there is no question of granting them on arrival visit visa of GCC countries. However, there is an important point which I want you to consider.

Important consideration: As I have already mentioned above that on arrival visit visa of GCC countries is only available to the Iqama holders and family visit visa holders of Saudi Arabia would not be able to get this visa. If someone wants to take this risk of getting on arrival visa, keep in mind that Family Visit Visa of Saudi Arabia is only single entry visa. So, once family visit visa holder leaves the Kingdom, he will not be able to enter back to the Kingdom on the same visa.

Credit: Qatar day



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