Punishment for accepting bribery

Punishment for accepting bribery

Q: Under Qatar laws does it amount to bribery if someone working in a public office receives a gift for offering some assistance? Please advise.
TR, Doha

A: According to Article 140, any public officer who solicits or accepts for himself or another party, any gift or privilege of any kind, or any promise thereof in return for undertaking any activity or abstaining from carrying out any activity under the remits of his office shall be considered as receiver of bribery; the penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years and a fine not exceeding what he received or promised shall apply to him, provided that it shall not be less than QR5,000.

* Please send your questions to leges@qatar.net.qa

April 14 2018 12:18 AM

Credit: By Dr Nizar Kochery / Gulf Times




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