The World’s First Floating Nation To Launch In Pacific Ocean In 2022, With Own Government And Cryptocurrency

The Floating City will become the first floating nation on Earth–a Libertarian utopia free of regulation and taxes. It will feature offshore housing, use its own cryptocurrency, and operate ‘outside of government regulations’. The plan to create the first floating city started off a decade ago when Peter Thiel, an American entrepreneur, venture capitalist, philanthropist, […]

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Russian Scientists Did Horrifying Sleep Experiment And Kept Prisoners Awake For 30 Days!

Sleep is an emphatically critical part of our lives. Those important hours of sleep every night give us the rest we need to power through our days, and that’s why sleep deprivation can have serious repercussions on your physical and mental strength. Experiment, prisoners, awake, Scientists, researcher, experimenters, russian government, sleep deprivation So when Russian […]

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Do You Know the Danger of Turning on the A/C After Starting the Engine?

Many people turn on the A/C when they sit in their car, even without thinking. But, did you know that this can be really dangerous for you and everyone around you? This is because whenever we leave our cars outside, we close the windows. Whenever we leave it in the shade, it accumulates 400-800 mg […]

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Here’s How You Can Check If Facebook Misused Your Personal Data

Facebook has faced an apparently ceaseless backlash over the last month as their data misuse controversy continues. The latest findings suggest a potential 87million users may have had their personal data shared with Cambridge Analytica. Data was collected through an app named ‘This is your digital life’ – designed by researcher Alexander Kogan. 270,000 users […]

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‘I’m Sorry’, Facebook Boss Zuckerberg Tells European Lawmakers

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg apologised to European Union lawmakers on Tuesday for a massive data leak, in his latest attempt to draw a line under a scandal that has rocked the world’s biggest social media network. Zuckerberg agreed to meet leaders of the European Parliament to answer questions about how political consultancy Cambridge Analytica improperly […]

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‘Night Market’ to facilitate 60 start-up businesses

The ‘Night Market’ at the parking lot of the Al Duhail Sports Club. The Peninsula DOHA: Under the umbrella of Bedaya Center for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (Bedaya Center), the joint initiative by Qatar Development Bank and Silatech, 60 start-up projects took part at the “Night Market”, the first market of its kind in Doha, […]

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Despite siege, Qatar gives healthcare to entire population

Minister of Public Health, H E Dr Hanan Mohamed Al Kuwari, at the conference. The Peninsula Doha: Minister of Public Health, H E Dr Hanan Mohamed Al Kuwari has stressed that the unjust blockade imposed on the State of Qatar since June 2017 is contrary to international conventions. “Although the blockade suddenly targeted having impact […]

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Google Just Quietly Made a Huge Change to Its Corporate Principles (It’s All About 3 Simple Words)

The times, they have changed. Finally embracing reality? Absurdly Driven looks at the world of business with a skeptical eye and a firmly rooted tongue in cheek. We were all idealists once. Life, though, has a way of injecting a little reality into our thinking. This process has come very slowly to Silicon Valley. The Valley’s […]

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