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3 new coronavirus cases reported in Qatar; total now 442

3 new coronavirus cases reported in Qatar; total now 442

The Peninsula Online

Doha: The Ministry of Public Health today announced the registration of 3 new positive cases of coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) in Qatar, taking the total number of confirmed cases to 442.

Senior official announced out the three new cases reported among expat workers two of them are from the same group in the quarantine and the third is a new case from the community and works as a driver in a house, explaining that the infected are in a good and stable health condition and receive the necessary medical care in quarantine.

The ministry official said that the number of cases reached 442 and a very limited number of them had pneumonia and the majority of them are stable.

Till now 8,547 people have been tested for Covid-19 in Qatar.

Those who have been confirmed with the coronavirus are isolated and quarantine is only for those who came in contact with the affected person,

Credit: The Peninsula Qatar


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