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100 impounded vehicles sold on first day of auction

Snapshots from the auction venue. PICTURES: Ram Chand

Some 100 vehicles were sold on the first day of the auction of impounded vehicles, local Arabic daily Arrayah reported, quoting an official.
Informing this, Captain Hamad al-Nuaimi, head of the investigations section at the Traffic Department and head of the committee responsible for selling impounded vehicles, said the cars put up for sale at the auction have been impounded for more than three months and not been claimed by their owners.

Accordingly, the vehicles are now being sold through the public auction following the legal grace period, he noted.
The two-week-long auction started on October 13 and takes place at the impounded vehicles yard on Street 52, Industrial Area.

For each vehicle sold, part of the price will be used to clear the fines for violations and pay for the expenses incurred on each vehicle on account of the impounding, according to Arrayah. The rest will go to the original owner of the vehicle.

However, in case the price is not enough to clear the due fines and pay for other expenses on the vehicles, the remaining sum will be collected from the violators through the usual legal ways.
As the first day saw a considerable turnout of potential customers, the number of vehicles that will be sold on a daily basis throughout the duration of the auction is expected to increase, the daily adds.

Captain al-Nuaimi said vehicles available in the auction include motorcycles as well as and light and heavy vehicles. A committee of experts had put a minimum price for each vehicle on display ahead of the auction.

Credit: Gulf-times


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